e-SPACE Cardio-Renal-Metabolic 2023

Published: 25 March 2023

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    58m 8s
    Part 1 | Session 1 Plenary session 1 – HFpEF Andrew JS Coats, Giuseppe Rosano, Eberhard Standl, María José Soler, Stefan Anker
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e-SPACE Cardio-Renal-Metabolic 2023 was the third edition of the annual global online conference that explores how leading experts, in cardiology, nephrology, and diabetology, are treating the interrelated diseases.


Course leadership Prof Stefan Anker (Berlin, DE), Dr Javed Butler (Texas, US), Prof Antonio Ceriello (Milan, IT), Prof Tara I Chang (California, US), Prof Ian de Boer (Washington, US), Prof Peter Rossing (Copenhagen, DK) and Prof Shelley Zieroth (Winnipeg, CA) lead an interactive programme of plenary sessions, meet the expert, case discussions and satellite symposium sessions focusing on the patient journey.


For the first time, e-SPACE Cardio-Renal-Metabolic 2023 brought together TMA’s mandate for the delivery of continuing professional development to healthcare professionals to achieve concordance with appropriate treatment plans, alongside KDIGO's mission to improve the care and outcomes of patients with kidney disease worldwide through the development and implementation of global clinical practice guidelines, with Radcliffe Cardiology’s goal to deliver cardiovascular knowledge to best support cardiovascular communities transform theory into practice.


e-SPACE Cardio-Renal-Metabolic 2023 would like to thank the following sponsors:

Learning Objectives

  • Review the burden of diabetes, kidney disease and heart failure including morbidity, excess mortality, and reduced quality of life affecting individuals around the world
  • Describe the complexity and interlink between the three conditions
  • Discuss existing guidelines and best approaches for screening patients
  • Review evidence-based management strategies for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, heart failure, kidney disease & obesity including SLGT2i, GLP-1RA, new non-steroidal mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists and other emerging therapies
  • Foster cross-collaboration between other cardiorenal / metabolic specialists and primary care physicians and allied health care professionals in order to improve patients outcomes

Target Audience

  • Cardiologists
  • Nephrologists
  • Diabetologists
  • General Practitioners (GPs)
  • HF Specialists
  • Nurses, Pharmacists, and other Allied Healthcare Professionals

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Faculty Biographies

Michel Jadoul

Michel Jadoul

Clinical Professor

Prof Michel Jadoul is a Clinical Professor at Université catholique de Louvain, Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, BE.

Prof Jadoul's clinical activities include the follow-up of hemodialysis and CKD patients. His main research interests include hepatitis C, beta2m amyloidosis and other complications in hemodialysis patients, as well as CV complications after kidney TP and various causes of kidney disease (especially drugs).

He has (co)-authored over 330 scientific papers, most of them published in major nephrology journals. 

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David Wheeler

David Wheeler

Professor of Kidney Medicine

David Wheeler is Professor of Kidney Medicine at University College London and Honorary Consultant Nephrologist at the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust.

Prof Wheeler is a clinician scientist interested in the complications of chronic kidney disease (CKD), specifically those that increase the burden of cardiovascular disease and/or accelerate progression of kidney failure. He has participated in the development and running of several large-scale clinical trials testing lipid-lowering regimens, calcimimetics, intravenous iron, sodium–glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors and hypoxia-inducible factor stabilisers in patients with CKD.

Prof Wheeler has also been involved in the development of clinical practice guidelines for several organisations, most recently for Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO). He served as KDIGO co-Chair between 2012 and 2019. His ongoing roles include serving as the National Specialty Lead for the…

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Pinar Topsever

Pinar Topsever

Department of Family Medicine

Prof Pinar Topsever works in the Department of Family Medicine at Acıbadem University School of Medicine, Istanbul, TR.


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