Michele Pighi

Cardiologist, Assistant Professor of Cardiology

AOUI Verona, University of Verona, Italy


Michele Pighi is a Cardiologist, MD, with 10+ years’ experience in Cardiovascular Research and Clinical Cardiology. 

He is an Interdisciplinary Physician-Researcher with publications on high-impact journals and recipient of research awards. 

Interventional cardiology; Computed Tomography Imaging; Research in multimodality imaging, coronary and transcatheter valve therapies.




11th Complete Revasc: Live Case Course in Modern PCI

James Spratt, Holger Thiele, Joost Daemen, et al

Articles by Michele Pighi, Cardiologist, Assistant Professor of Cardiology

New Advances in Chronic Total Occlusions

Nikolaos Konstantinidis, Michele Pighi, Ismail Dogu Kilic, et al

Citation: Interventional Cardiology Review 2014;9(3):208–12

The Role of Stent Design and Polymers in Safety Outcomes - A Review

Carlo Zivelonghi, Giulia Geremia, Michele Pighi, et al

Citation: European Cardiology 2012;8(1):63-6