Kelly H Schlendorf


Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN

Articles by Kelly H Schlendorf, MD, MHS

Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement and Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement Outcomes in Left Ventricular Assist Device Patients with Aortic Insufficiency

Aniket S Rali, Siva Taduru, Lena E Tran, et al


Citation: Cardiac Failure Review 2022;8:e30.

Co-occurrence of Myocardial Sarcoidosis and Left Ventricular Non-compaction in a Patient with Advanced Heart Failure

Anupam A Kumar, Lena E Tran, Aniket S Rali, et al


Citation: Cardiac Failure Review 2022;8:e19.

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation as a Treatment for Branch Pulmonary Artery Rupture Following Right Heart Catheterisation

Vineet Agrawal, Kelly A Costopoulos, Mohammed Chowdhary, et al


Citation: Cardiac Failure Review 2022;8:e03.

Unknown Risks of Transplantation in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease

Aniket S Rali, Angela Weingarten, Emily Sandhaus, et al


Citation: Cardiac Failure Review 2021;7:e14.

Treatment of Secondary Mitral Regurgitation in Heart Failure: A Shifting Paradigm in the Wake of the COAPT Trial

Kelly H Schlendorf, Jared O’Leary, JoAnn Lindenfeld, et al


Citation: US Cardiology Review 2020;14:e06.