Jonathan Hinton

Coronary Research Group, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, UK; Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, UK

  • OrcidID

Articles by Jonathan Hinton

Combination Tools for Calcium Modification from RASER to Orbitalshock

Jonathan Hinton, Peter O’Kane,


Citation: Interventional Cardiology 2024;19:e18.

Artificial Intelligence for the Interventional Cardiologist: Powering and Enabling OCT Image Interpretation

Nitin Chandramohan, Jonathan Hinton, Peter O’Kane, et al


Citation: Interventional Cardiology 2024;19:e03

Coronary Physiology Derived from Invasive Angiography: Will it be a Game Changer?

Lavinia Gabara, Jonathan Hinton, Julian P Gunn, et al


Citation: Interventional Cardiology Review 2020;15:e06.