Harry Suryapranata
Department of Cardiology, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Articles by Harry Suryapranata
Are There Differences in the Demographics and Clinical Outcomes Between Asian and European Patients Treated With the COMBO Dual Therapy Stent in the REDUCE Trial Populations?
Wan Azman Wan Ahmad, Edouard Benit, Cyril Camaro, et al
Citation: Journal of Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology 2022;1:e25.
Dual Antiplatelet Therapy for 3 or 12 Months in Patients with Non-ST-elevation MI/ Unstable Angina or ST-elevation MI: Analysis of the REDUCE Trial
Wan Azman Wan Ahmad, Edouard Benit, Victor M Legrand, et al
Citation: Journal of Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology 2022;1:e18.