Research areas
Prof David Thompson is Professor of Nursing, Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland. He is a Visiting Professor at University College Dublin and La Trobe University, Melbourne, Professorial Fellow at the University of Melbourne, Adjunct Professor at Monash University, Honorary Professor at the University of Queensland, and Distinguished Professor at Anhui Medical University.
He has served as a member of key committees at the UK Department of Health, Medical Research Council, British Heart Foundation, National Heart Foundation of Australia, National Health & Medical Research Committee and the European Society of Cardiology.
Prof Thompson is Co-Editor, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, and sits on the editorial boards of Cardiac Failure Review, Heart & Lung, Nursing Reports and British Journal of Cardiac Nursing. His research interests include the design and evaluation of psychosocial interventions and chronic disease management programs in cardiovascular disease prevention and rehabilitation. Contributions to service include clinical guidelines for cardiac rehabilitation, depression screening and psychosocial interventions, and the development and validation of patient-reported outcome measures.
Prof Thompson has extensive expertise in conducting clinical trials and reviews in heart failure disease management programs, psychosocial interventions and quality of life measurement, areas in which he has published widely and for which he is internationally recognised.
Professor David Thompson is an Editorial Board member of Cardiac Failure Review and may be contacted here.