
Andrea Elliott

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Cardiovascular Division, University of Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

  • OrcidID


Personal History

Dr Andrea Morgan Elliott is a Cardiologist and Professor based in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


Academic History

In 2010, Dr Elliott graduated from medical school at the McGovern Medical School, University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston. She did an Internal Medicine Residency, a General Cardiology fellowship, then a T32 research fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.1

After her Cardiology fellowship, Dr Elliott spent a year on faculty in the Division of Cardiology followed by additional fellowship training in Critical Care Medicine.1


Career Overview

Dr Elliott is currently an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Minneapolis primarily as a cardiac intensivist with a special interest in Cardiac Critical Care fellowship training/education, ECPR, and research in post ICU follow-up care.1

She is part of the American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association and Society of Critical Care Medicine.1

Dr Elliott’s research interests include post-ICU follow-up care clinics evaluation and efficacy, outcomes-based research of advanced mechanical and chemical hemodynamic support and evaluation of racial disparities in end-of-life care.1

In teaching, Dr Elliott’s focus is on Cardiac Critical Care Fellowship education and the national formalization of Cardiac critical care training.1


Career Timeline

  • Present: Assistant Professor of Medicine, Cardiovascular Division, University of Minneapolis


Areas of Speciality

  • Cardiac Critical Care
  • Outcomes-Based Research



  • Gold Humanism Award for Humanism and Excellence Teaching Award (2014)
  • Special Thanks And Recognition – “STAR award” for Humanism in medicine. Department of Veterans Affairs (2012)



Articles by Andrea Elliott, Assistant Professor of Medicine

Extracorporeal Life Support for Cardiac Arrest and Cardiogenic Shock

Andrea Elliott, Garima Dahyia, Rajat Kalra, et al


Citation: US Cardiology Review 2021;15:e23.