Adrian Baranchuk

Adrian Baranchuk

Professor of Medicine


Department of Cardiology, Queen’s University, Kingston, CA

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Dr Adrian Baranchuk is currently Professor of Medicine at the Department of Cardiology in Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada. He qualified in Internal Medicine and Cardiology at Sanatorio Mitre in Buenos Aires in 1995, and then went on to complete a Clinical Fellowship in Cardiac Electrophysiology at the same institution with Dr Claudio Muratore. He was appointed a Clinical Fellow in Electrophysiology at McMaster University in September 2003 under the supervision of Dr Carlos Morillo and Dr Stuart Connolly. 

Dr Baranchuk is President-electof the Interamerican Society of Cardiology (SIAC), Vice President of the International Society of Holter and Non-invasive Electrocardiology (ISHNE) and Past Presidentof the International Society of Electrocardiology (ISE). His research interests include sleep apnoea, cardiovascular disease (CVD), cardiac arrhythmias and electrophysiology. Dr Baranchuk is a member of the AER Editorial board, and has published more than 400 articles in indexed international journals, 35 book chapters and over 200 abstracts. 

He has received several awards, including Outstanding Contribution in the Core Internal Medicine Program from Queens Faculty of Health Services, the Golden Caliper Award (SOLAECE), Junior Investigator Award (ISHNE). 

Articles by Adrian Baranchuk, Professor of Medicine

Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Basketball and Soccer Stadiums, the Role of Automated External Defibrillators: A Review. For the BELTRAN Study (BaskEtbaLl and soccer sTadiums: Registry on Automatic exterNal defibrillators)

Mario D Bassi, Juan M Farina, Jorge Bombau, et al


Citation: Arrhythmia & Electrophysiology Review 2023;12:e03.

Management of Dyslipidaemia in Real-world Clinical Practice: Rationale and Design of the VIPFARMA ISCP Project

Ricardo Lopez Santi, Felipe Martínez, Adrian Baranchuk, et al


Citation: European Cardiology Review 2021;16:e16.

Sudden Cardiac Death Risk Stratification and Prevention in Chagas Disease: A Non-systematic Review of the Literature

Roberto Keegan, Cynthia Yeung, Adrian Baranchuk, et al


Citation: Arrhythmia & Electrophysiology Review 2020;9(4):175–81.