Philip Raake

Head, HFU Centre, Department of Cardiology, Heidelberg University Hospital, Germany


Prof Philip Raake is a senior physician who leads the HFU centre at the Department of Cardiology at Heidelberg University Hospital. He also runs the Interventional HF programme.

Prof Philip Raake attended medical school at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich. Between 2006 and 2008, Prof Raake worked at the Center for Translational Medicine, under the direction of Prof Walter Koch, at the Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia.

In 2008 Prof Raake returned to Germany, where his established the first university Advanced Heart Failure Unit in Germany focusing on optimised care in advanced HF. He has authored or co-authored several papers in leading peer-reviewed journals on HF basic molecular mechanisms, and clinical aspects of advanced HF. He serves on several working groups for the German Society for Cardiology and the German Federal Physicians Association.