ISCP: A to Z of CV Pharmacotherapy Webinar Series

Published: 26 May 2022

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The International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy (ISCP) are pleased to present a collection of six webinars as part of their A to Z of Pharmacotherapy Series. 

Published every other month until Dec 2022, these 60-min webinars feature expert panellists, speakers and moderators with live Q&A audiences and EBAC accreditation (1 CME point) for all live views. 

This series is ideal for doctors, nurses, pharmacists, family physicians, internists, healthcare students and cardiovascular therapy researchers.

We value your opinion. Take 3 minutes to give us feedback on the series. 

This webinar series is an independent activity run by the International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy (ISCP) and hosted by Radcliffe Cardiology. Radcliffe Cardiology and any supporters have had no influence on the content of the programme. No supporters have provided any funding to Radcliffe Cardiology:

Faculty Biographies

Diana A Gorog

Diana A Gorog

Cardiologist and Clinical Lead for Non-cancer Research

Prof Diana Gorog holds academic appointments at the University of Hertfordshire and at the National Heart and Lung Institute of Imperial College, London, and is a full-time interventional consultant cardiologist at East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust, UK.

Prof Gorog graduated in Medicine from St. Bartholomew’s Medical School, University of London in1993 and undertook clinical training in major London teaching hospitals. She obtained both a postgraduate clinical research MD from the University of London Postgraduate Medical School, and a British Heart Foundation Fellowship in laboratory-based cardiac research at St Thomas’s/King’s College leading to a PhD, following which she returned to clinical cardiology to complete higher training in interventional cardiology.

She sees patients with all types of heart disease, including angina, hypertension, arrhythmias, heart failure and valvular heart disease. She undertakes coronary angiography and angioplasty,…

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Sotiris Antoniou

Sotiris Antoniou

Consultant Pharmacist & Lead Cardiovascular Pharmacist

Mr Sotiris Antoniou is Consultant Pharmacist at Barts Heart Centre, part of Barts Health NHS Trust. Combined with his role as Lead Cardiovascular Pharmacist for UCL Partners supports medicines optimisation across the health economy to optimise patient outcomes and address unmet local needs. He is an independent prescriber and is currently chair of the cardiac committee for United Kingdom Clinical Pharmacy Association (UKCPA). He is chair of the DRM-foundation that supports the international Pharmacist Anticoagulation Taskforce (iPACT). A group aimed to improve pharmaceutical care around anticoagulants, by providing background materials and stimulating pharmacists to provide appropriate care to their patients.

He has published extensively in the medical press and has a particular interest in improving anticoagulation for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation…

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Franco Cheng

Franco Cheng


Mr Franco Cheng is a lecturer at the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy at University of Hong Kong. Prior to joining HKU as a pharmacist in 2021, Franco worked in both private and public hospitals in Hong Kong with extensive exposure to cardiology.

He received his Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and then went on to study a Master in Clinical Pharmacy at the same institution.

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Craig Beavers

Craig Beavers

Vice President of Professional Services

Dr Craig Beavers graduated in 2009 from the University of Kentucky (UK) College of Pharmacy and completed a PGY1 pharmacy practice residency and a PGY2 cardiology pharmacy residency at UK Albert B. Chandler Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky (R365).

Dr Beavers is the Vice President of Operations for Baptist Health Paducah and is an Assistant Adjunct Professor with the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy. He has worked as the Cardiovascular Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator at UK Healthcare. He has worked as Adjunct Faculty for Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy, University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy and served as the Director of Cardiovascular Services for the Hospital Corporation of America. He served as the postgraduate year two…

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