The IRONMAN Trial: Does IV Iron Improve Outcomes in HF?

Published: 04 November 2022

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Iron deficiency is common in heart failure, particularly in hospitalised patients and may exacerbate symptoms and increase the risk of hospitalisation and premature mortality. Although previous studies have shown that intravenous iron provides improvement in exercise capacity and reduces hospitalisation in patients with HF and iron deficiency, longer term efficacy and safety data has been lacking.


The IRONMAN trial is the first long-term study to examine the effects of intravenous iron on cardiovascular mortality, hospitalisation and safety in chronic HF. These two videos filmed with Chief Investigator, Prof Paul Kalra (Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, UK), accompany the results of IRONMAN, which were presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions congress on November 5, 2022 in Chicago. 

Supported via an unrestricted educational grant from Pharmacosmos

More from this programme

Part 1

Iron Deficiency in Heart Failure

In this video Prof Paul Kalra discusses iron deficiency in HF, its impact on HF outcomes and the need for safe and effective treatment.

Part 2

The IRONMAN Trial: Results and Clinical Implications

In this video, Prof Kalra focuses on the IRONMAN study: its rationale, design, and importantly, the trial results. He ends his presentation by summarising how IRONMAN will inform future clinical practice.

Faculty Biographies

Paul Kalra

Paul Kalra


Prof Paul Kalra is Professor of Cardiology at Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, UK. The majority of his work involves assessment, investigation and management of patients with known or suspected cardiac problems. While he has a broad interest in all aspects of general adult cardiology, his sub-specialty interest is the assessment and management of patients with heart failure. Prof Kalra has championed local heart failure service development and co-developed the local complex device service, initiating implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) and cardiac resynchronisation therapy device (CRT) implantation and follow up. He has extensive experience in assessment of patients for consideration of and the implantation of pacemakers and complex devices (CRT and ICD). 

Elected Chair of the British Society for Heart Failure (BSH) 2017-2019. In 2019 the Pumping Marvellous Foundation, presented Prof Kalra with the Platinum patient educator award – recognising…

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