EuroPCR 2022: Late-breaking Science Video Collection

Published: 13 May 2022

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Our regular review series View from the Thoraxcenter hosted by Prof Nicolas Van Mieghem and Dr Joost Daemen (Thoraxcentre, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, NL) provide a concise analysis of the late-breaking science trials and spotlight questions that could change treatment strategies in interventional cardiology.

Short, accessible Expert Interviews will be available with select faculty focusing on the results, applicability, and impact on future research.

More from this programme

Part 1

View from the Thoraxcenter

In this concise episode of View from the Thoraxcenter, Prof Nicolas Van Mieghem and Dr Joost Daemen (Thoraxcentre, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, NL) offer their take on the most anticipated late-breaking science form EuroPCR 2022.

Part 2

Expert Interviews

Short, accessible Expert Interviews with select faculty focusing on the results, applicability, and impact on future research.
19 sessions
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EuroPCR 22: MASTER-DAPT Sub-Analysis Shows Consistent Results in Complex PCI Patients Watch now
EuroPCR 22: CRUZ-HBR Indicates Use Of Supraflux™ Cruz Stent Is Favourable Watch now
EuroPCR 22: ASTRO-TAVI Shows Improved Neurological Outcomes With Neurointervention Watch now
EuroPCR 22: Short-Term Clinical Outcomes of ACURATE neo2™ Watch now
EuroPCR 22: DECISION QFR Shows Increased Practicability and Shorter Procedure Time for Revasc. Watch now
EuroPCR 22: SYNERGY™ Non-inferior to BioMatrix NeoFlex in OCT SORT-OUT VIII Watch now
EuroPCR 22: ROLEX Study Finds Promising Results in CAD Pts With the Resolute Onyx Watch now
EuroPCR 22: Balloon Vs Self-Expanding Valves in Valve-in-Valve TAVI Watch now
EuroPCR 22: MitraClip in Atrial Functional Mitral Regurgitation Watch now
EuroPCR 22: SCB with Micro-Reservoir Technology in Coronary Lesions Watch now
EuroPCR 22: FORWARD PRO Study Shows No Durability Issues After 3 Years Watch now
EuroPCR 22: DEB & DES in the Treatment of Diffuse CAD Watch now
EuroPCR 22: EASTBOURNE Registry indicates Satefy of Sirolimus-Coated Balloon Watch now
EuroPCR 22: JenaValve TAVR System for the Treatment of Aortic Regurgitation Watch now
EuroPCR 22: Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Repair with PASCAL System Watch now
EuroPCR 2022: ALIGN-EFS Finds 100% Procedural Success Rate Using JenaValve Trilogy in Pts With AS Watch now

Faculty Biographies

Praveen Chandra

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- I am Dr. Praveen Chandra from Medanta, Medicity Hospital in Delhi, India. And today I'm going to share with you the new developments in the field of drug-coated balloons.

Study Rationale

The rationale of this study was to show and prove the safety and efficacy of a three microgram dose of sirolimus with the new micro-reservoir technology and show it in terms of the results on patients.

Micro-Reservoir Technology

So the micro-reservoir technology works like this, that it takes the drug inside the vessel and then the drug stays there as it used to do with the drug-eluting stents over a period of time, up to 90 days. And that is why we expect that the results will be much better and same almost same as drug-eluting stents.

Study Design and Patient Cohort

The patient cohort was including both De novo and restenotic lesions. And this cohort was not pre-selected. It was, you know, just a day to day cases, which were taken up in this registry and these patients were treated and then followed up for a period of one year.

Key Findings

The key findings are very encouraging in these 54 patients and there was no incidents of late restenosis. There were no incidents of acute occlusion of the vessels and no major adverse cardiac events. So we are very excited with this small study though and the patients showing no adverse outcomes.

Take-Home Messages

The key take home message from this study is that this dose of three microgram was absolutely safe, efficacious. And now we can use this technology drug eluting balloons for lesions, which are either Denovo or restenotic and get almost good results as we saw or even better than drug-eluting stents.

Next Steps

The next steps is that, you know, now since we know that these results are encouraging we will use it in our day to day basis. The technology is getting approved all over the world and maybe there will be some randomised controlled trials with drug eluding stents in even proximal vessel disease.