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Expert Discussion: Comparative Cost Effectiveness of the Instantaneous Wave-Free Ratio vs Fractional Flow Reserve in Coronary Revascularization Decision-Making (DEFINE-FLAIR)

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An expert peer-to-peer discussion on the latest data to come out of the DEFINE-FLAIR trial and its implications for clinical practice.

Filmed Saturday 10th March 2018 @14.00 EST

ACC 18 Congress, Orlando, FL


Manesh R Patel

Manesh R Patel

Justin E Davies

Justin E Davies

Faculty Biographies

Manesh R Patel

Manesh R Patel

Manesh Patel is the Chief of the Division of Cardiology and the Division of Clinical Pharmacology.  His clinical interests include diagnostic and interventional coronary angiography, peripheral angiography and endovascular intervention.  His is involved in several clinical trials involving patients with cardiovascular disease and in cardiac imaging.  He is also the Chair of the American College of Cardiology Task Force for Appropriate Use Criteria for Cardiovascular Procedures and is Chair of the American Heart Association Diagnostic and Interventional Cath Committee.

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Justin E Davies

Justin E Davies

Dr Justin Davies is a Senior Research Fellow and Consultant Cardiologist at Imperial College London. He also completed his undergraduate training and continued on to complete his PhD at Imperial after being awarded a British Heart Foundation research fellowship.

Now a leading clinical academic in the field of interventional cardiology, Dr Davies has pioneered several new techniques, including coronary wave intensity and instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR). He is also published extensively in the field of hypertension and coronary and large artery physiology.

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