



Left Main Bifurcation Live Case #3 - Approach to LMS & Choosing Stent Strategy

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Programme Overview

In this live case series Prof. James Spratt and Dr Thierry Lefèvre will guide us through a progressive and comprehensive educational journey around the globe. We will join various live case centres, over 11 months to learn from over 30 expert perspectives on how LMPCI is performed in a contemporary setting.

The aim of the series being, to break down the complexity of the whole procedure into a systematic, algorithmic, step by step approach. Simplified for us by top operators and faculty, through live cases and relevant flash lectures to support the learning.

With LM PCI being the most divisive procedure performed in interventional cardiology currently, the need to stay informed and aware of innovation in products and techniques has become all the more important.

Now more than ever, Boston Scientific is committed to finding new and innovative ways to support you as you look to provide the very best patient care.

WITH YOU every day, educating, innovating and tackling Left Main Bifurcation together.


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Left Main Bifurcation & Aorto Ostial Disease Left Main Bifurcation & Aorto Ostial Disease