




Percutaneous Closure of Paravalvular Leaks

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Paravalvular leak (PVL) occurs in 5% to 17% of patients following surgical valve replacement. Percutaneous closure can be an effective alternative to surgical reintervention.

This one-hour educational seminar brings together a leading faculty of Prof Ignacio Cruz (University Hospital of Salamanca, ES), Dr David Northridge (NHS Lothian, Edinburgh, UK), and Dr Martin Swaans (St Antonius Ziekenhuis, Utrecht, NL) to discuss what is paravalvular leak closure and what transcatheter methods can be used for successful closure.

These leading PVL interventionalists and imagers discuss their proven methods and techniques to ensure closure is achievable. Discussion will be focused on the procedure, imaging techniques, and a recent PVL closure case.


Ignacio Cruz

Ignacio Cruz

David Northridge

David Northridge

Martin Swaans

Martin Swaans

This webinar is supported by

Learning Objectives

  • Best practices for PVL closure using the AVP3 device now indicated for PVL closure
  • Why should we consider transcatheter closure?
  • Why transcatheter closure instead of surgical reintervention?
  • Why use the AVP3 on-label device over other devices that are on- or off-label?


  • Interventional cardiologists
  • Surgical valve implanters
  • Cath Lab staff
  • Interventional Imagers
  • Abbott field staff

Faculty Biographies

Ignacio Cruz

Ignacio Cruz

Prof Cruz is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Salamanca, Chief of Interventional Cardiology and Elected President of the Spanish Society of Interventional Cardiology. He is a leading and pioneering interventional cardiologist and the main driver behind the Salamanca-based interventional cardiology meetings. He is also highly involved in the research for structural intervention solutions. He is a true pioneer in the field of paravalvular leak closure and the driving force behind the HOLE-registry with 500 reported PVL cases.

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David Northridge

David Northridge

Dr Northridge is one of the leading reference points for paravalvular leak closure in the United Kingdom, and renowned for his dedicated PVL teaching courses. Moreover, he travels the continent to support and proctor paravalvular leak procedures. He is co-author is the combined UK & Ireland PVL experience paper.

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Martin Swaans

Martin Swaans

Dr Martin Swaans is cardiologist at St Antonius Hospital Nieuwegein in the Netherlands. Dr Swaans specialises in cardiac imaging, particularly in electrophysiology and interventional procedures. He is a frequent speaker at conferences around the globe and a world authority for interventional imaging. Dr Swaans is heavily involved in the development of cutting edge imaging technologies.

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